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terça-feira, 13 de maio de 2014

Chilling Effects Clearinghouse: DMCA Safe Harbor

Chilling Effects Clearinghouse: DMCA Safe Harbor

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This Topic: DMCA Safe Harbor

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DMCA Safe Harbor

In the online world, the potentially infringing activities of individuals are stored and transmitted through the networks of third parties. Web site hosting services, Internet service providers, and search engines that link to materials on the Web are just some of the service providers that transmit materials created by others.Section 512 of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) protects online service providers (OSPs) from liability for information posted or transmitted by subscribers if they quickly remove or disable access to material identified in a copyright holder's complaint.

In order to qualify for safe harbor protection, a service provider who hosts content must:
  • have no knowledge of, or financial benefit from, infringing activity on its network
  • have a copyright policy and provide proper notification of that policy to its subscribers
  • list an agent to deal with copyright complaints

While the safe harbor provisions provide a way for individuals to object to the removal of their materials once taken down, they do not require service providers to notify those individuals before their allegedly infringing materials are removed. If the material on your site does not infringe the intellectual property rights of a copyright owner and it has been improperly removed from the Web, you can file a counter-notice with the service provider, who must transmit it to the person who made the complaint. If the copyright owner does not notify the service provider within 14 business days that it has filed a claim against you in court, your materials can be restored to the Internet.
For more information, see the Frequently Asked Questions about DMCA Safe Harbor

Recent C&Ds

DMCA (Copyright) Complaint to Google, Labo, Ltd., May 10, 2014

Adult Video DMCA (Copyright) Complaint to Google, Colbette Holdings Limited, May 10, 2014

DMCA (Copyright) Complaint to Google,Paramount, May 10, 2014

Adult Video DMCA (Copyright) Complaint to Google, Drew Entertainment, LLC, May 10, 2014

Related News

Eric Holder Answers Question About Kim Dotcom Prosecution, Mike Masnick, TechDirt, May 09, 2013

Google's refusal to take down anti-Muslim Video driven by fears for safe Harbor, Robert Cringely,, September 17, 2012

Related Resources

Fair Use Network, (Online information resource)


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"A Revolução Francesa começou com a declaração dos direitos do homem, e só terminará com a declaração dos direitos de Deus." (de Bonald).

Obedeça a Deus e você será odiado pelo mundo.

-O coletivismo é a negação da liberdade, porquanto a sede da liberdade é o indivíduo. Tanto é que a pena mais severa na história da humanidade é a privação da liberdade. A essência da liberdade é una e indivisível e daí a designação do sujeito como "indivíduo".

Aluízio Amorim

Filósofa russa Ayn Rand :

“Quando você perceber que, para produzir, precisa obter a autorização de quem não produz nada; quando comprovar que o dinheiro flui para quem negocia não com bens, mas com favores; quando perceber que muitos ficam ricos pelo suborno e por influência, mais que pelo trabalho, e que as leis não nos protegem deles, mas, pelo contrário, são eles que estão protegidos de você; quando perceber que a corrupção é recompensada, e a honestidade se converte em auto-sacrifício; então poderá afirmar, sem temor de errar, que sua sociedade está condenada.”

Ayn Rand nasceu em São Petersburgo em 1905